Garrick Roberts is making his way as a plumber out in the wilds of Herefordshire
Garrick the Plumber
Anyway, now Garrick has come out of hiding, he has wasted no time in putting the boot in with regard to Geldof.
Roberts said: 'During the 1980s, we signed an agreement saying songwriting royalties would be split – with 50 per cent going to the writer and 50 per cent going to the other band members. But when the band split up none of us, bar Geldof, heard anything. We weren't given any control over the songs and haven't received a penny,'
'... we appointed solicitors to ask Bob Geldof and the accountants dealing with the band where the royalties have gone. Every time one of our songs appears on a greatest hits album, money is generated – but I haven't seen any of it.'
'He [Geldof] was always much more of a self publicist than the rest of us. He's learned to use his fame. It's what he's about now.'
Unpaid Royalties
Bob the Self Publicist
Tell it as it is! Even if the Rats never get to court, a reunion at Maddison Square Gardens could set them up for life! I'm backing Garrick, he always looked the hardest.