Monday, November 20, 2006
Geldof Moves Out To The Country With Jools Holland
For The Good Times and The Pilgrim
Geldof has always been a great fan of Kris Kristofferson, who wrote these songs, and when he went to see Kris performing in London, Geldof was blown away when Kris dedicated "The Pilgrim" to him.
Moving Out to the Country
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Colours are Brighter
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Arrivederci amore, ciao
The MTV webcast is a mix of songs and interviews conducted in English with the questions/responses translated into Italian by the interviewer as she conducts the interview. She sits between Geldof and BobVince Loveday whilst conducting the interview. The latter looks like Johnny Vegas' dad!
The performance is at its best when Geldof dips into the Rats back catalogue; there is a storming version of Joey's on the Street Again in Part Three of both the video and podcast. Sadly the audience remaimed seated, though they looked to be tapping their feet and enjoying the free show!
Video Audio Podcast
Broadcast Songs
The Great Song of Indifference
Love or Something
A Sex Thing
Walking Back to Happiness
Banana Republic
The Beat of the Night
I Don't Like Mondays
Joey's On The Street Again
Rat Trap
A Hole to Fill
Attitude Chicken
Given he can't take his solo career any further, I don't suppose he would be tempted to have a 30th anniversary reunion with the rest of the Rats in Dublin next year, would he? Nah!
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Garrick the Plumber Turns Nasty!
Garrick Roberts is making his way as a plumber out in the wilds of Herefordshire
Garrick the Plumber
Anyway, now Garrick has come out of hiding, he has wasted no time in putting the boot in with regard to Geldof.
Roberts said: 'During the 1980s, we signed an agreement saying songwriting royalties would be split – with 50 per cent going to the writer and 50 per cent going to the other band members. But when the band split up none of us, bar Geldof, heard anything. We weren't given any control over the songs and haven't received a penny,'
'... we appointed solicitors to ask Bob Geldof and the accountants dealing with the band where the royalties have gone. Every time one of our songs appears on a greatest hits album, money is generated – but I haven't seen any of it.'
'He [Geldof] was always much more of a self publicist than the rest of us. He's learned to use his fame. It's what he's about now.'
Unpaid Royalties
Bob the Self Publicist
Tell it as it is! Even if the Rats never get to court, a reunion at Maddison Square Gardens could set them up for life! I'm backing Garrick, he always looked the hardest.
Friday, September 22, 2006
The Rain in Spain Falls Mainly on....
The concert was aborted after 30 minutes due to a hurricane. There was an near capacity audience thanks to the free tickets and the massive presence of college students.
22:00, Plaza del Azoguejo Square (Aqueduct bridge)
Bob Geldof in concert
Celebrate the Hay Festival with a concert by the founder of The Boomtown Rats and Live Aid. Bob Geldof's music fuses an Irish folk sound with classic rock and he is one of the great live performers, to dance to, to listen to and to enjoy
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Tom Robinson stands up for Geldof
Still bit of a cheek for Tom to lump himself in with the Rats and Squeeze, he wasn't that good! Though he wasn't bad to be fair (Up Against The Wall, 2-4-6-8 Motorway, War Baby and Glad To be Gay).
Bigmouth Strikes Again
I'm appalled by the torrent of ignorant, spiteful bile directed towards Bob Geldof and his music in response to yesterday's post - typified by HowSoonIsNow's comment: "As a musician he's a dead loss: mountain of attitude, molehill of talent."
Blimey. An Italian promoter made a major miscalculation as to venue size and ticket price - a not uncommon occurrence - and suddenly it seems to be open season on Geldof's musical career and personal integrity.
To begin with the music: you don't have to like Bob's songs to at least respect the fact that others - including me - have liked them a lot. Here is a man who wrote 13 top-30 hits between 1977 and 1990, including two number ones.
Any fool with modest talent, reasonable looks and towering ambition can knock out one or two hits if they are lucky and pushy enough. Look at James Blunt. Or me, come to that. As Lady Bracknell might have said, to have written half a dozen hits may be regarded as good fortune; to have written more than a dozen looks like talent - at least from where I'm sitting.
Certainly, artists and their music fall in and out fashion. But album tracks such as The Beat of the Night (Deep in the Heart of Nowhere) and The New Routine (Sex, Age and Death) make regular appearances on my iPod - and radio playlists - on sheer musical merit alone.
And, contrary to Scrittipolitti's posting, the Boomtown Rats didn't have a "heyday" in 1981, when they may or may not have been "reassuringly shite": they had a genuine, measurable, shout-it-from-the-rooftops heyday in 1977-8, when they clawed their way from obscurity to the NME front pages with a series of blinding gigs that blew away all competition night after night. The songs were great, the band were hot and Geldof was a rivetingly charismatic frontman.
If they lost the plot later on under the pressures of success, it was no more than happened to contemporaries such as TRB, Squeeze, the Hot Rods, Graham Parker and countless others. So why all this bitter schadenfreude when it comes to Bob and the boys ?The uncharitable sneer from Correspondent Bob's solo career was "a half-hearted exercise which never took off and was over 20 years ago" is simply incorrect: Bob's hilariously defiant Great Song of Indifference made number 15 in 1990 and was widely covered in dozens of languages by recording artists across the globe - for the simple reason that people everywhere liked the song - on its own merits - very much indeed.
As to his subsequent lack of musical output, Bob's personal life, in case you've forgotten, was devastated by loss, strife and tragedy during the 90s in the full intrusive glare of the world's media, gleefully detailing every fresh blow. He told me three years ago that at times of crisis there would be an average of 40 reporters camped outside his house. A scooter from the Daily Mirror and a van from the News of the World with blacked out windows tailed him everywhere he went. Even when he escaped the pressure at the weekends in Paris with close friends, there would still be journalists waiting for him on the Eurostar home.The astonishing thing is not that it took him until 2002 to write another album - the critically acclaimed Sex, Age and Death - but that he managed to make one at all under such conditions.
Whatever it is Bob Geldof wants, I'll bet you a quiet family life comes top of the list and getting his picture in the papers is pretty close to the bottom. The problem is that, whether he likes it or not, he has one of the most recognisable faces on the planet, which gives him almost unique access to the world's media - and most powerful political leaders - whether he chooses to use it or not. Many of us feel that world debt and global trade barriers are a humanitarian scandal and Aids is an unfolding global catastrophe. But not many of us can do much about it beyond charitable giving, letter writing and attending the occasional demonstration. Let's suppose for a moment that Bob actually would like a quiet, easy life - News of the World permitting. What would you do in his place, knowing that simply picking up the phone might save dozens or even hundreds of lives? Put up the shutters, mutter "I've done enough" and tell the world to go fuck itself? Or would you be big enough to accept the facts, the horrible responsibility that circumstance had thrust in your lap? Would you have the strength to put yourself in the firing line all over again, resigned to the fact that the media would think and write the worst about you whenever possible; and that whether you sought to alleviate a little of the world's unnecessary suffering or simply sit on your arse like everyone else, armchair critics would rip you to shreds?
"Just think, all that self promotion and no one wants to know. Perhaps he should put up a montage of suffering Africans to get the punters in," wrote Xuitlacoche on yesterday's blog. Well, comment is free, and you are entitled to your opinion. Mine is that, on balance, the world is a better place thanks to Geldof's efforts than if simply sat down, shut up and crawled into a corner, as you would seem to prefer.
Bob himself expressed all this far more eloquently, and at greater length, in his review of 1985 for the Guardian last December.
Bigmouth strikes again? More power to his larynx.
Sunday, July 23, 2006
Francesco Iacovone, the impresario who organised the concerts, said that he suspected sabotage. “We have been boycotted,” he said, though it was not clear why or by whom. It was incomprehensible that “an artist whose internet site has 19,000 visitors” and who had “fans throughout the world” had failed to arouse interest in Italy.
Signor Iacovone said that some internet sites had falsely claimed that tickets for the concerts were sold out, and that he was “considering legal action”. whatever happened to that gig at Shepherd's Bush that was postponed?
No one loves Geldof (ok, maybe 45 people do!)
Excuse the google translation, but
“On my passport he is written that I am musician."
i) They don't have occupation on a passport
ii) A musician!
La Stampa
Thursday, June 29, 2006
Fort Manoel on Manoel Island, Malta
Set list included I Don't Like Mondays, The Great Song Of Indifference, Harvest Moon, Banana Republic, Mary Of The Fourth Form, Rat Trap, Mudslide, My Birthday Suit & Scream In Vain.
Monday, June 26, 2006
Down By The Jetty
Dr. Feelgood were absolutely central to the Boomtown Rats. When I heard Down by the Jetty, it just fcuking blew me away. The Feelgoods were in it for me. Our early live set used to be their entire first album. When I heard the line 'Stand and watch the towers burning at the break of day', which was about the Canvey Island burn-offs, I realised that it wasn't enough for music to sound good. It had to mean something, to reflect where you came from. - Bob Geldof
[From the sleevenotes - Down By The Jetty COLLECTORSEDITION]
You can listen to excerpts here;-1;-1;-1&sku=519143
I also recommend a visit to
Monday, June 12, 2006
Links to Rat Sites
Boomtown Rats & Bob Geldof Forum
Other good Boomtown Rats sites
Japan - Banana Republic
Sunday, April 16, 2006
A small crowd at the back of an Irish pub in the middle of the fucking desert
Bob Geldof was in Dubai to speak at an DIHAD, an international development conference. He also found time to perform at The Irish Village, which is Ireland' own little corner of Dubai and sports a few Irish pubs and a large garden area. It's a pretty good venue with a capicity, by my estimate, of less than a 1,000 and decent acoustics given its outdoors. Geldof didn't quite see it that way, bemoaning the fact that his career had come to performing to 'a small crowd at the back of an Irish pub in the middle of the fucking desert'.
Saturday, April 01, 2006
Geldof gets IRMA award

Bob Geldof is the third recipient of the IRMA Honours award.
The award, which is organised by the Irish Recorded Music Industry recognises the outstanding talent and contribution of an artist or individual to Irish music.
Previous award winners are Christy Moore and Larry Gogan.
"The last time I came back I was given the freedom of my home town and now the people that I grew up with are here tonight so I'll really be getting the prize from them. There is nowhere else on the planet I'd rather be and no other people that I'd want to be with than those here
"Thanks to the IRMA and the Rats who were a great band. It's great to be Irish and come back and see Ireland suddenly change for the better.
"Irish people used not to be taken seriously. Now we are, in terms of music, as Ireland has become a brilliant place for music.
"The music ones (awards) are the ones that count for me because that's what I think I do. I've got a lifetime achievement in Britain and America and Europe but I've never seen the people who I grew up with or who helped the Rats get started ever be part of one of these things.
"So the people who owned the record store in Dun Laoghaire ... people who helped us at the beginning get gigs, they are all here plus the bands that followed the Rats, like The Radiators, The Pogues, I suppose U2, The Thrills. To have a whole generation who helped make that change in music means more to me than being in London in a posh hotel with people who would be considered major, major stars
"Of course I understand that the Boomtown Rats unto themselves wouldn't get it, that the Boomtown Rats plus my solo thing wouldn't get it - I know that but don't forget that Live 8, Live Aid and Band Aid came out of music.
"I know how to do gigs and TV out of music, so if I hadn't been in this little band from Dun Laoghaire,that cranked up one summer afternoon 30 years ago none of this would have happened."
Sunday, March 05, 2006
Freedom of Dublin for Geldof
"It's raining and it's cold but it's a beautiful day and I can't think of a more beautiful day or more beautiful city to hold this in than Dublin.
"If London made me, then Dublin formed me. To be a freeman of one of the most free cities on the planet is indeed something. When I say it is a free city, the atmosphere here, the ability to say and do what you want, is freer her than in most cities around the world.
I have lived all my life in this town, which in reality during my childhood was a little brown, little pinched, little parochial town on the edge of Europe. You now have this expansive city, one that sort of marries the generosities of a nation.
"And it didn't seem to connect at all with the world that I was hearing coming in on the radio and imagining coming in on my head. In 1975, myself and a group of friends got together to make a band that would articulate the possibility of a different Ireland.
"I am equally proud the first ever [Irish] rock 'n' roll number one, indeed the first in a new wave, was from an Irish band called the Boomtown Rats, and it was wrote about this city and it was called Rat Trap."
Friday, February 24, 2006
Geldof is Hero Of The Year!
ShockWaves NME Awards 2006 pay tribute to the Live8 man
Bob Geldof has been named the Hero Of The Year at the ShockWaves NME Awards 2006.Readers of NME and NME.COM voted for the singer ahead of Carl Barat, Pete Doherty, Liam Gallagher and Arctic Monkeys' Alex Turner in the category.
Last year saw Geldof make a huge stand against global poverty with the staging of the Live 8 concerts across the world which were attended and watched by 3.8 billion people and featured performances from Paul McCartney, U2, The Killers, Coldplay, REM, Stevie Wonder, The Who, Destiny's Child, Razorlight, Kaiser Chiefs Madonna and the reformed Pink Floyd.
Following the concerts, the subsequent G8 summit promised to give $50 billion more aid per year by 2010, AIDS drugs to all those who need them, care for all AIDS orphans and debt cancellation for 18 countries.
And as if that wasn't enough!
Live8 wins Best DVD prize
Bob Geldof collects the gong at the ShockWaves NME Awards 2006
Bob Geldof has accepted the Best DVD award for Live8 - and was introduced by his old pal Bono. The U2 singer presented Geldof with the award via a video link-up, where he said that he was glad Geldof hadn't told him to "fuck off" when the idea to re-create Live Aid was touted last year.
Live8 - which was held last July in London Hyde Park and other cities across the world, saw stars including Madonna, Pink Floyd, Razorlight and The Killers unite to call for debt relief.
The subsequent DVD set compiles 120 performances, adding unseen backstage footage, messages and documentaries.Other nominees in this category included 'Dig!', Green Day: Bullet In A Bible', 'Kaiser Chiefs: Enjoyment' and Morrissey: Who Put The M In Manchester?'.
Friday, January 27, 2006
Vote Geldof for the NME Hero of the year
You have to register (as many times as possible), but this is an attempt to mobilise the masses and get Geldof a Brat to go with his Brit! Of course, there will be the added pleasure of wiping the smile of the smug NME jounalists.
The other contenders...
Carl Barat
Pete Doherty
Liam Gallagher
Alex Turner
PS You can also vote for Live 8 as best event/DVD, and if you ain't too familiar with modern music, just vote for Franz Ferdinand in all the relevant categories.
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
I Don't Like Mondays - Channel 4
On the morning of Monday 29th January 1979, 16-year-old schoolgirl Brenda Spencer took the .22 calibre gun her father had given her as a Christmas present and aimed it at the school playground directly opposite her family home. She killed two men and injured eight children. All she would say at the time was "I don't like Mondays, it livens up the day." The incident inspired the Boomtown Rats' number one hit song. It was the first school shooting of its kind, a phenomenon that would spread across America and culminate in the infamous Columbine tragedy. This film examines allegations surrounding a seemingly ordinary suburban family behind the eerie detachment of Brenda Spencer's original statement. I Don't Like Mondays secured unique access to Brenda's prison parole hearing in September last year and includes exclusive and revealing interviews with members of Brenda's family as well as her victims. The film traces the bizarre events of that day and asks how and why it happened.
The program started and ended with the song. At the end, the Police chief condemned the song as idiotic, and the NBC reporter had similar comments. Most incredibly, one of the girls shot refered to the fact that she heard the song every Monday at about 2pm, when she started work and enjoyed it!
Most interesting was the interview of her father, Wallace, in the last part. He still lives in the same house that faces the school and the time of the interview was when the kids were leaving school. He was in total denial of his part in the incident (interestingly enough, he married his daughter's cell mate), and didn't believe the way he raised his daughter had anything to do with it. His ex-wife believed he was the one who should have been in jail.
Brenda Spencer was tried as an adult rather than a minor. She pleaded guilty to killing two people, and did not face a jury. This may have spared her the death penalty, Obviously, many of those who were shot or who lost a family member all wanted her dead and believed she would do it again if released. This was not a view shared by those detached from the incident.
Ultimately she is a fairly stupid girl/woman whose ambitions were to find any excuse to get out of jail and work on a fork lift truck. A lot of her parole hearing related the shooting to the abuse she suffered at the hands of the father, though that seems to be de rigueur for elicting sympathy these days.
The Spencers were as a family made disfunctional by a father who wanted to have affairs yet be able to return to his wife and thought nothing of the consequences of giving a 16 year old girl a rifle for Christmas.
I don't believe she would reoffend if released. In the context of the light sentences handed out to the happy slapper murderers in this country yesterday, she seems to have had a bad deal. I guess it all depends on whether you believe prison is to rehabilitate or punish. Her notiriety, the first school spree killer, has ensured she is still behind bars.
Having watched the programme, I do feel that Mondays, unlike Bowling for Columbine which condemned the lax US gun laws, came across as a nasty opportunistic song. People were affected by this incident, and hearing the song must bring back a lot of bad memories.
I never felt the song was apt for either Live Aid or Live 8. It's never been one of my favourite songs, but watching this, made it seem even lesser. Maybe it's time to retire it.
Rats on BBC Radio 6
You can catch it for up to seven days at
Don't miss it!
Saturday, January 07, 2006
Eric's Bootlist: Boomtown Rats / Bob Geldof.
Last updated: 1 Aug 2003
the Boomtown Rats
Date #disks Artw Qual Show
1977? F Yes A Studio, BBC Evening session (3 songs, filler on request)
??/09/1978 1 Yes A Live Middlesex Polytechnic - Don't Believe What You Hear bootleg
??/09/1978 1 No A- Live Middlesex Polytechnic (same show as Don't Believe.. + 1 track)
05/01/1980 1 No A Live at NHK-Hall Tokyo, Japan
17/03/1980 2 No A Orpheum Th., Boston Mass)
23/03/1980 1 No B Chicago
1980 1 No A- Germany 1980
25/05/1980 1 No A- King Biscuit Flower Hour
17/03/1981 1 Yes B Seattle, Washington
25/07/1981? 1 No A- Parkpop, Den Haag?
17/04/1982 1 No B Newcastle Exhibition Park - England
25/04/1982 1 Yes A London Great Brittain
03/10/1982 1 No A B.B.C College Concert
1982 1 No A- Radio One, Frankfurt
25/05/1982 1 No A BBC Rock Hour
1983 1 No A Westwood One
1984 1 No A- On A Night Like This (from video)
11/02/1984 1 No A- BBC Sight & Sound
21/06/1985 1 No A- Glastonbury Festival
Bob Geldof
Date #disks Artw Qual Show
??/??/1986 1 Yes B+ Milan 1986
??/10/1990 2 Yes A Hamburg 1990
05/12/1992 1 Yes A- Oldenburg
05/12/1992 1 No A Oldenburg
30/08/1992 1 No B+ Greenbelt Festival
1993 1 No B Phoenix Club Toronto
mixed 1994 1 No B+/A- Live in Italy
20/06/1998 1 No B Wetzikon Switzerland
16/03/1999 2 No B+ Teatro Tendo Florence
08/07/2001 1 No B+/A- Rock Circus San Vittore Switzerland
08/02/2002 1 No B Trento, Italy
28/03/2002 1 Yes A Villa Berg Stuttgart
The Boomtown Rats - BBC Evening Session (1977)
01 Mary Of The 4th Form
02 Looking After Number One
03 Joey's On The Street Again
Studio recordings, date unknown
The Boomtown Rats - Live Middlesex Polytechnic (Sep 1978)
01 Mary Of The 4th Form
02 Me And Howard Hughes
03 I Never Loved Eva Braun
04 Don't Believe What You Read
05 Rat Trap
06 Kicks
07 Joey's On The Street Again
08 Living In An Island
09 She's Gonna Do You In
10 Like Clockwork
11 She's So Modern
12 Looking After Number One
13 Do The Rat
Length: 00:52:25
All tracks live at Middlesex Polytechnic, North London.
Source: FM>DAT>ANA>HD>CD Great quality (A-)!
Also available as "Don't Believe What You Hear" bootleg, lacking track 13
Length: 00:49:45; Soundboard;Quality: A+
The Boomtown Rats - Live at NHK-Hall (1980/05/01)
! Track 7 cut
01 Wind Chill Factor (Minus Zero)
02 Like Clockwork
03 Nothing Happened Today
04 I Never Loved Eva Braun
05 Nice 'n' Neat
06 Joey's On the Street Again
07 I Don't Like Mondays (end cut, tape flip)
08 Rat Trap
09 Mary of the 4th Form
10 Blind Date
11 She's So Modern
12 Looking After Number 1
13 Diamond Smiles
Source: MC(gen 1)>HD>CD
Quality: A
The Boomtown Rats - Orpheum Th., Boston Mass (17-03-1980) (2 CDR)
! A radio-reporter is talking in between some songs
CD 1
01 Wind Chill Factor (Minus Zero)
02 Like Clockwork
03 Nothing Happened Today
04 I Never Loved Eva Braun
05 Nice 'n' Neat
06 Having My Picture Taken
07 Joey's On the Street Again
08 I Don't Like Mondays
09 Someone's Looking At You (very end cut)
CD 2
01 Keep it Up (very beginning cut)
02 Rat Trap
03 Kicks
04 Mary of the 4th Form (incl Band intros)
05 Blind Date
06 She's So Modern
07 Looking After Number 1
08 Sleep (Finger's Lullaby)
Source: MC(gen 1)>HD>CD
Quality: A
The Boomtown Rats - Chicago (23/03/1980)
01 Wind Chill Factor (Minus Zero) [missing start of song]
02 Like Clockwork [flaw]
03 Nothing Happened Today
04 I Never Loved Eva Braun
05 Nice 'n' Neat
06 Having My Picture Taken
07 Joey's On the Street Again
08 I Don't Like Mondays
Quality: B
Length: 38:34
The Boomtown Rats - King Biscuit Flower Hour (25/05/1980)
01 I Don't Like Mondays
02 Like Clockwork
03 Nothing Happened Today
04 Nice 'n' Neat
05 Having My Picture Taken
06 Rat Trap
07 Kicks
08 Someone's Looking At You
Tracks 1 - 8: King Biscuit Flower Hour (25 May 1980)
Source: LP>HD>CD (I own the LP)
The Boomtown Rats - Germany 1980
01 I Don't Like Mondays (some hiss)
02 Like Clockwork
03 Nothing Happende Today
04 Nice 'n' Neat
05 Having My Picture Taken
06 Kicks
07 Someone's Looking At You
Quality: A-
Length: 29:42
The Boomtown Rats - Seattle Washington (17/03/1981)
01 I Never Loved Eva Braun [some dropouts]
02 Me And Howard Hughes
03 This Is My Room
04 Up All Night
05 Elephant's Graveyard
06 Nothing Happened Today
07 Having My Picture Taken
08 I Don't Like Mondays
09 Someone's Looking At You
10 Keep It Up
11 Rat Trap
Quality: B (track 1: some dropouts)
Source: FM
The Boomtown Rats - Parkpop, Den Haag (25/07/1981)
01 Like Clockwork
02 She's So Modern
03 House On Fire
04 Never In A Million Years
05 Having My Picture Taken
06 Rat Trap
Tracks 1 - 06: Parkpop, Den Haag (25 Jul 1981) (Dutch show, venue and source not sure)
Source: FM>MC>HD>CD (I own the MC)
Quality: A+
The Boomtown Rats - Newcastle Exhibition Park; England (17/04/1982)
01 Close As You'll Ever Be
02 Like Clockwork
03 Charmed Lives
04 House On Fire
05 Nothing Happened Today
06 I Don't Like Mondays
07 Joey's On The Street Again
08 Having My Picture Taken
09 Rat Trap
10 Someone's Looking At You
11 Keep It Up
12 Looking After Number 1
Source: MC(gen 1)>HD>CD
Quality: A-
I also have a second source of this show, having first 11 tracks;
Quality: B, Lenght: 56:53
The Boomtown Rats - London Great Brittain (25/04/1982)
01 Like Clockwork
02 Charmed Lives
03 Up All Night
04 House On Fire
05 Wind Chill Factor (Minus Zero)
06 Never In A Million Years
07 Sleep (Finger's Lullaby)
08 I Don't Like Mondays
09 Having My Picture Taken
10 Rat Trap
The Boomtown Rats - BBC Rock Hour (25/05/1982)
01 Like Clockwork
02 Charmed Lives
03 Up All Night
04 I Don't Like Mondays
05 Rat Trap
Tracks 1 - 5: BBC Rock Hour (25 May 1982)
Source: LP>HD>CD (I own the LP)
The Boomtown Rats - B.B.C College Concert (03/10/1982) (CDR)
01 Like Clockwork
02 Charmed Lives
03 Up All Night
04 House On Fire
05 Nothing Happened Today
06 Never In A Million Years
07 Sleep (Finger's Lullaby)
08 I Don't Like Mondays
09 Having My Picture Taken
10 Rat Trap
11 Keep It Up
LP>HD>CD (I own the LP)
Quality: A+
Length: 51:42
The Boomtown Rats - Westwood One (1983)
01 Nothing Happened Today
02 Never In A Million Years
03 I Don't Like Mondays
04 Having My Picture Taken
05 Rat Trap
06 Keep It Up
Tracks 1 - 12: Westwood One (1983)
Source: LP>HD>CD (I own the LP)
Quality: A+
The Boomtown Rats - On A Night Like This (1984)
01 Elephant's Graveyard
02 Charmed Lives
03 Lucky
04 Neon Heart
05 Someone's Looking At You
06 Dave (Rain)
07 Hold Of Me
08 I Don't Like Mondays
09 Talk In Code
10 Rat Trap
11 Drag Me Down
12 Looking After Number 1
Quality: A- Very small disturbances inbetween songs: probably a TAO recording corrected to DAO
The Boomtown Rats - BBC Sight & Sound (11-02-1984)
! some minor disturbances in track 1 and 2
! dropout in track 6
01 Like Clockwork
02 Charmed Lives
03 Lucky
04 Tonight
05 Talking In Code
06 Someone's Looking At You
07 Dave
08 Rat Trap
source: FM
Quality: A-
Length: 38:53
The Boomtown Rats - Glastonbury Festival (21/06/1985)
01 Charmed Lives
02 Neon Heart
03 Wind Chill Factor
04 Dave
05 I Don't Like Mondays
06 Talking In Code
07 Hurt Hurts
08 Rat Trap
09 Drag Me Down
10 Looking After Number 1
Source: FM>ANA>CDR
Quality: A
Bob Geldof - Milan (1986)
01 Redemption Song (B.Marley)
02 In The Pouring Rain
03 Me And Howard Hughes
04 This Heartless Heart
05 Good Boys In The Wrong
06 The Beat Of The Night
07 Intermezzo
08 Hurt Hurts
09 Love Like A Rocket
10-11 This Is The World Calling
12 When I Was Young
13 Joey's On The Street Again
14 audience
15 Diamond Smiles
Lenght: 73:58
Quality: B+
Source: audience
Bob Geldof - Hamburg (Oct 1990)
CD 1
01 The Great Song Of Indifference
02 The Chains Of Pain
03 A Gospel Song
04 A Rose At Night
05 Love Or Something
06 Moving Slow
07 The Heat Of The Night
08 I Don't Like Mondays
09 Walking Back To Happiness
10 Looking After Number 1
11 Let It Go
12 Rat Trap
13 Big Romantic Stuff
CD 2 encores
01 The Great Song Of Indifference - reprise
02 Love Like A Rocket
03 Hole To Fill
All tracks live at Hamburg, oct 1990.
Quality: sndb
Note: I also have another copy of this show, only having the first 13 tracks.
Bob Geldof - Oldenburg 1 (05/12/1992) (CDR)
I have two different copies of this show
! track 10 cut at the end
01 Too Late God
02 A Hole To Fill
03 A Gospel Song
04 Love Or Something
05 I Don't Like Mondays
06 Room 19
07 The Happy Club
08 The Great Song Of Indifference
09 Roads Of Germany
10 Walking Back To Happiness [cut]
11 The Great Song Of Indifference (reprise)
12 Love Like A Rocket
13 A Hole To Fill
Quality: A-
Bob Geldof - Oldenburg 2 (05/12/1992)
01 backstage interview
02 The Great Song Of Indifference
03 Too Late God
04 A Hole To Fill
05 A Gospel Song
06 Love Or Something
07 I Don't Like Mondays
08 Room 19
09 Walking Back To Happiness
10 Let It Go [cut at beginning]
11 The Happy Club
12 The Great Song Of Indifference
13 Roads Of Germany
Length: 62:45
Quality: A
Bob Geldof - Greenbelt Festival (30/08/1992)
01 The great song of indifference
02 Too late God
03 The chains of pain
04 A Gospel Song
05 Love Or Something
06 The Beat Of The Night
07 I Don't Like Mondays
08 Room 19
09 Let It Go
10 The End Of The World
11 Rat Trap
12 Big Romantic Stuff / The Great Song Of Indifference ( reprise )
All tracks live at the Greenbelt Festival;30 Aug 1992
Quality: audience, B+
Bob Geldof - Phoenix Club Toronto 1993
01 The Great Song Of Indifference
02 Too Late God
03 The chains of pain
04 A Gospel Song
05 Love Or Something
06 The Beat Of The Night
07 I Don't Like Mondays
08 Walking Back To Happiness
09 Rat Trap
Source: audience
Quality: B
Total: 48:34
Bob Geldof - Live in Italy 1994
01 The Great Song Of Indifference 5:36
02 Crazy 4:32
03 I Don't Like Mondays 5:12
04 Bob Interview 2:23
05 Crazy 5:06
06 Love Or Something 3:49
07 The Beat Of The Night 5:59
08 I Don't Like Mondays 5:01
09 Crazy (acoustic version) 3:59
10 I Don't Like Mondays 4:33
11 The Great Song Of Indifference 3:57
12 Crazy (acoustic version) 5:50
13 Too Late God 4:07
14 I Don't Like Mondays 2:55
Length: 63:01
Tracks 1 - 3 Rome; 1 May 1994
Tracks 4 - 8 Gimmi's; Milan; 2 May 1994
Tracks 9 - 11 Roxy Bar; Bologna(?) May 1994
Track 12 M Costanzo Show; Rome May 1994
Tracks 13 - 14 Recanati; May 1994
Quality B+/A-, mostly fm
Bob Geldof - Wetzikon Switzerland (20/06/1998)
! start missing
01 The Great Song Of Indifference
02 Too Late God
03 The Chains Of Pain
04 Inside Your Head (version 1
05 A Gospel Song
06 Love Or Something
07 The Beat Of The Night
08 My Hippy Angel
09 I Don't Like Mondays
10 Banana Republic
11 Room 19
Source: audience
Quality: B
Total: 52:40
Bob Geldof - Teatro Tendo Florence (16/03/1999)
CD 1
01 The Great Song Of Indifference
02 Too Late God
03 The Chains Of Pain
04 A Gospel Song
05 A Sex Thing
06 Love Or Something
07 The Beat Of The Night
08 My Hippy Angel
09 I Don't Like Mondays
CD 2
01 Banana Republic
02 Room 19
03 Attitude Chicken
04 The End Of The World
05 Rat Trap
06 Inside Your Head (version 2)
07 Huge Birdless Silence
08 A Hole To Fill
Length: 45:45 + 39:08
Source: audience
Quality: B+
Bob Geldof - Rock Circus , San Vittore Switzerland (08-07-2001)
01 The Great Song Of Indifference
02 Too Late God
03 The Chains Of Pain
04 A Gospel Song
05 A Sex Thing
06 One For Me
07 Inside Your Head
08 Mudslide
09 I Don't Like Mondays
10 My Birthday Suit
11 Room 19
12 Attitude Chicken
13 A Hole To Fill
14 The End Of The World
15 Rat trap
16 Pale White Girls
17 Huge Birdless Silence
18 The Great Song Of Indifference
Length: 78:04
All tracks live at Rock Circus, San Vittore;Switzerland;8 July 2001
audience recording
Quality B+/A-
Bob Geldof - Trento (08/02/2002)
! fade in start
01 Too Late God
02 The Chains Of Pain
03 A Gospel Song
04 A Sex Thing
05 Walking Back To Happiness
06 One For Me
07 Mudslide
08 I Don't Like Mondays
09 My Birhtday Suit
10 Room 19
11 Attitude Chicken
12 Inside Your Head
Source: audience
Quality: B
Total: 55:08
Bob Geldof - Villa Berg Stuttgart (28/03/2002)
01 radio intro
02 The Great Song Of Indifference
03 A Gospel Song
04 A Sex Thing
05 Walking Back To Happiness
06 introducing new songs
07 One For Me
08 Mudslide
09 I Don't Like Mondays
10 radio outro
Quality A